Probably it is both, the no fear approach rooted in the own strength and the believe, that innovation should be routine - The inventor produces ideas, the entrepreneur “gets things done” [J. Schumpeter, 1947]. ... There's an angel, with a hand on my head
Closing my pleasant conversation with the gentleman, I directly asked him on his personal fear. He responded that in future quality journalism may commercially not find it´s sustainable place. However, messing with the checks and balances in our democratic societies would get him sleepless nights. Auch der stärkste Mann schaut einmal unters Bett.
18/7/2017 19:21:57
Some encouraging thoughts are also coming from Richard Branson:
12/10/2017 15:52:01
Pls. allow me to share an article (in german) from Zeit Online, a major newspaper in Germany. In additon to the nationwide papers, it also advocates for quality jounalism on local level. Here is why ...
8/1/2018 17:06:03
Mitarbeiter in Deutschland bewerten den digitalen Wandel und die daraus resultierenden Chancen positiv:
16/1/2018 15:10:28
Über Innovation denken Philosophen schon ein bisschen länger nach als die Manager im Silicon Valley. Demnach gilt auch für Business Model Innovation, dass man die gebotene Chance ergreift und dem Ereignis die "Treue" hält, sich ihm also produktiv öffnet:
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Andreas Engelis an experienced business leader working 25+ year in high-tech industry - leading, growing and transforming high-performance sales organizations, balancing short term results with long term strategy to drive new business growth. CATEGORIES
April 2020